Chris Hutchins*

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ELVIS Presley and the author Chris Hutchins got to know each other through a common mentor – Colonel Tom Parker. The man who managed the King of rock ‘n roll treated the writer as a confidant. And that’s what makes this book unique. Right from the earliest pages, the Colonel reveals his true feeling about Elvis and the unusual relationship they had. In one of the many letters he wrote to Hutchins he explains for the first time why it wasn’t his fault that Elvis never travelled to perform outside the United States. Moving as freely within the Presley circle as he was able to, the author came into close contact not only with Elvis himself but also his family, friends and staff: everybody from Elvis’s wife Priscilla, daughter Lisa, father Vernon, tour manager and closest companion Joe Esposito, show business buddies like Tom Jones – even his cook Mary Jenkins knew and talked to Chris Hutchins who even took the Beatles to party at his home. That’s what makes this book A Personal Memoir.

Available in Hardback, Paperback and eBook
Published by: Neville Ness House


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The People’s Prince


PRINCE Harry is the most interesting – indeed the most exciting - member of the Royal Family and this no-holds-barred biography tells his story for the first time.  Son of the late Princess Diana – the most famous woman on Earth – and Prince Charles, the next king, and brother of William, the king after that, he is determined to live by his mantra: ‘I am what I am’.  From a childhood overshadowed by his parents’ troubled marriage and scarred by the tragic death of his mother, to his brilliant public performances at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the London


Olympics and his brother’s wedding, this book charts the remarkable journey of a young man with an extraordinary destiny.  It also reveals details of his extraordinary love life, telling for the first time what caused his affair with Cressida Bonas to collapse.  The author has enjoyed unparalleled access to a wide variety of people whose lives Harry has touched: senior aides, humble members of palace staff, aristocrats, bodyguards, school friends, comrades-in-arms . . . and old flames.  They piece together the tale of a young man who admirably has created a life so different from the one set out for him by what he describes as ‘an accident of birth’.

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THE BEATLES:  Messages from John, Paul, George and Ringo

THE postcard on the cover of this book says it all. The card was written by John Lennon and sent to his friend Chris Hutchins. On the card’s  photograph of the Beatles, John had drawn a fifth member – the founder of the group Stuart Sutcliffe who John went on to describe as the best friend he ever had. This is the kind of confidence John, Paul George and Ringo shared with writer Hutchins who they befriended in their days as ‘unknowns’ in Hamburg. He shared their adventures during the heady days of Beatlemania; he was with them during their American tours in the 60s, sharing their euphoria and their sad moments. It was, for example, at Hutchins’ Chelsea apartment that Paul met the love of his life, the actress Jane Asher. And it was Hutchins who arranged a party with Elvis Presley, the man they had always wanted to meet – alas, a meeting which was to cause a cataclysmic feud between Presley and Lennon which the author explains in detail along with how President Nixon and J Edgar Hoover got involved.

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WHEN Lady Diana Spencer married Prince Charles, she found herself trapped in a world of scandals, deceit and treachery. DIANA’S NIGHTMARE reveals the untold secrets she discovered about her husband’s deeply flawed family and examines her strained and often stormy relationships with each member of the House of Windsor.

Above all it explains the true nature of Diana’s nightmare in the royal world. Fighting for her dignity, her sanity and ultimately her independence, Diana’s desperate battle to be the heroine of this tragedy drove her to the brink of collapse and into a self-imposed exile before her tragic death in a Paris tunnel, a tragedy that shocked the world.


Filled with new insights into the troubled life of the beautiful princess. I remained riveted to the end’ – Dominic Dunne’

‘A fascinating insight into the flesh-and-blood emotions heaving behind the doors of the Palace’ – TODAY

‘Chris Hutchins and Peter Thompson are names to be reckoned with’ – Royal Biographer Anthony Holden in the Sunday Times

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RUSSIA’s leader is now the most dangerous man in the world, asserts the oil tycoon Gordon Getty. If he cut off Russian oil and gas there would be no smoke coming from chimneys in China and India; Britain, Germany, Italy and France would all feel the chill and he would shake America’s economy to the core. But that is Vladimir Putin the politician. What about the man? Who are his friends? Who does he turn to in times of trouble? How rich is he? What of his relations with his wife and daughters and what does Mrs Putin have to say about him? Who are the other women who have figured in his life?  Chris Hutchins travelled throughout Russia to meet the people who know Putin best including a number who knew him as a child, as a teenager and as a young intelligence officer, long before he set foot on the world stage. It took the author six years to unravel the enigma that is Vladimir Putin. His book has many surprises.



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Goldsmith: Money, Women and Power


Sir James Goldsmith was one of the most intriguing figures of the twentieth century but as a billionaire with a taste for litigation he successfully ensured that, for much of his life, his background, methods and ambitions escaped far-reaching investigation. This is the first unauthorised biography of Goldsmith and it deals with every aspect of his complex life.

This is a book for anyone interested in how great fortunes are built, the future of Europe, the ongoing controversy over environmental issues and - of course - how a charismatic man can juggle a succession of wives and mistresses.

Has he equipped his children to exploit the fortune he has left to build a vast business empire or has he condemned them to gilded obscurity? Goldsmith tells the incredible story of an extraordinary man and the legacy he has left his family and the world.




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The Duchess of York’s true story 

THIS is the book that broke the mould in royal biography terms: It seemed like a fairy-tale come true when Sarah Ferguson married the Queen’s favourite son, Prince Andrew, and became one of the best-known women in the world. She was feted wherever she went – and she went everywhere. But the Duchess’s world was about to come crashing down in spectacular fashion. This book was the first collaboration between Chris Hutchins, who broke the palace-rocking story of Fergie’s risqué liaison with handsome [and an oil billionaire’s son] Texan Steve Wyatt, and Peter Thompson who was editor of London’s Daily Mirror when the paper ran the sexy St Tropez stories of the Duchess and her ‘financial advisor’ Johnny Bryan. The book also details her often-tempestuous relationship with Princess Diana and how both women decided to end their marriages.

‘Gets to grips with the real story about how Fergie got herself into trouble and how Buckingham Palace dealt with it. A great read – especially if you like great royal gossip as much as I do’ – Dominick Dunne.

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Le cauchemar de Diana: la famille (French Edition)  

Le cauchemar de Diana révèle les secrets bien gardés que lady Di a découverts, concernant la famille de son mari, une famille loin d'être au-dessus de tout soupçon. La relation du prince Charles et de chacun des membres de la maison Windsor est ici passée au crible.

Fondé sur de nombreuses interviews en provenance des coulisses du palais, ce document explosif dévoile comment la famille s'est employée à démolir sa seule superstar. Il montre aussi comment Diana s'est battue et se bat contre le mensonge et la volonté de nuire pour sauver sa dignité, sa santé et son indépendance.

L'important, pour elle, reste le combat pour protéger ses fils, l'un d'eux étant promis au trône d'Angleterre. Au bout du tunnel pointe la lueur de l'espoir puisque le cauchemar qui la détruisait s'est retourné contre ses détracteurs, ébranlant la légitimité même de la monarchie anglaise.

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is the original UK title of the U.S. (updated) edition, Fergie Confidential – so don’t get both!  Chris Hutchins and Peter Thompson tell the story of the Duchess of York’s fall from grace after marrying the Queen’s favourite son, Prince Andrew – how she got there, what went wrong and how she tried to pick up the pieces as a working mother after she had been ostracized from the Royal Family. 






SARAH'S STORY is available as an ebook on Amazon Kindle.


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was the paperback edition of When Elvis met the Beatles, the full and frank account of author Chris Hutchins’ arrangement of the greatest-ever rock ‘n roll summit at Presley’s Bel Aire home on a night in August 1965 as well as his personal memories of the Beatles’ Hamburg beginnings, their rise to unprecedented fame and fortune and the adventures shared during their American tours on which he travelled with them.




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The billionaire from nowhere


WHEN Chris Hutchins and Dominic Midgley first set off for Moscow at the start of their venture to uncover the secrets of the Russian oligarch who had used some of the vast fortune he had made from oil and gas to buy one of Britain’s best known and loved football clubs, Chelsea FC, they were told they were on a hiding to nothing; that no one would dare talk to them about Roman Abramovich. Alas, those who made such proclamations had not reckoned with the tenacity of this pair of writers. By the time their mission was complete even Abramovich’s own PR had to admit Hutchins and Midgley now knew even more about his man than he did. Among the discoveries the writers made during their journeys through Russia was that a newly elected Prime Minister Putin had asked him to interview – vet might be a better word – those ministers clambering for office in Putin’s first government. The authors have delved into every aspect of Abramovich’s life: the upbringing that formed him, the friendships that opened Kremlin doors, the business deals that made his incredible fortune and the spending spree on Chelsea that made him a bigger name in the UK than his own country.  

 ‘An incredible story’ – Mail on Sunday; ‘Well researched and fluently written’ – The Times; ‘Draws a picture of a man of immense ruthlessness, nerve and charm . . . offers a Vanity Fair of Russian oligarchy’ – The Spectator; A superb insight into the Chelsea boss . . . a must read for both football fans and business tycoons’ – Sunday Business Post; ‘A well-researched investigation into the life and times of Chelsea’s owner’ – World Soccer; ‘The first sustained effort to uncover the making of Chelsea’s oligarch’ – Guardian’; ‘Authors Dominic Midgley and Chris Hutchins go to commendable lengths to tell the story’ – Sunday Times; ‘Where this book sets itself apart is in its quest to discover Abramovich’s true identity. Interviews with his childhood friends, neighbours and teachers in Russia offer an original perspective on the man while access to the informed such as Boris Berezovsky, his one-time mentor, provides a picture of a canny dealmaker and consummate politician’ – The Times’; ‘Most fascinating account . . . should be read by anyone not just with an interest in sport but also in business and in politics’ – Press and Journal.

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ATHINA: The last Onassis

AT a time when Greece comes face-to-face with financial chaos, it is worth visiting the story of Athina Onassis Roussel, who became the richest little girl in the world when she inherited unimaginable wealth (and more!) from her heiress mother, Christina Onassis. This compelling book explores the legend of Athina’s grandfather, the shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, and examines the legacy that became Athina’s extraordinary birthright as The Last Onassis. No 20th-century sage features more great names than that of the Onassis dynasty; the Kennedys - including JFK and his widow Jacqueline, who became Onassis’s second wife - the opera diva Maria Callas who longed to be the third; and Prince Rainier and Princess Grace, with whom he fought a celebrated feud for control of Monte Carlo. The cast list is endless: the Hollywood stars Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Marilyn Monroe and Greta Garbo, the politicians Sir Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon, the tycoons Stavros Niarchos and Howard Hughes and the FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover. Authors Chris Hutchins and Peter Thompson travelled the world to interview key witnesses, many of whom had never spoken before for publication. No book has ever penetrated so deeply into the secret world of the Onassis dynasty or looked more closely at the lives of Athina’s father, Thierry Roussel and his second wife the Swedish model Gaby Landhage. An amazing story for incredible times.



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THIS was the first book to delve into the mind of the Princess of Wales while she was still alive as she faced the greatest crisis of her life. Ostracized by the Royal Family, detached from her friends and tainted by the stories of her adventures with the married Will Carling and other men, she was being pushed to the very limits. Drawing on high-level sources close to the Princess – some of whom had never dared speak before – and the expert views of a team of distinguished specialists, this book examined her growing instability and what lay behind it. Diana, whose reputation had once been unassailable, had been branded an adulteress, a tyrannical employer and a spiteful gossip. Unnerved by her increasingly erratic behaviour, Buckingham Palace even took the unprecedented step of commissioning a psychiatrist to produce a confidential report on her health. Was it just another attempt by the courtiers she had already identified as ‘the enemy’ to deface her image? Or was the woman who had confessed to self-mutilation and admitted to suffering from depression and bulimia, too volatile and endangering the monarchy itself? Diana on the Edge reached startling conclusions about the Princess’s troubled state of mind.

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NO one is better equipped to write this account of the greatest summit in rock ‘n roll history than Chris Hutchins – not only was he the only journalist present, he set it up!  When they first met in a Hamburg night club in 1962 John Lennon asked Hutchins if he ever thought he’d be able to meet the man they called ‘the King’. The writer from the NME said he would try and arrange it – one day . . . That day came in August 1965 when Hutchins - after cultivating a friendship with Presley’s legendary manager Colonel Tom Parker - took John, Paul, George and Ringo to the American megastar’s home in Bel Aire, California, for a party. Collaborating with fellow author Peter Thompson, Hutchins has written this detailed and uncompromisingly frank account of that night – and the events that followed including an ongoing feud between Lennon and the man he had once worshipped.


‘A fast, enjoyable read which captures the Beatles’ tours, is good on Presley and Lennon’s competing needs to be seen as the toughest kids on the block and also gets under the skin of Presley’s manager, Col. Tom Parker, whom Hutchins knew’ – Q magazine.

ELVIS MEETS THE BEATLES  is available to print as an ebook.

 It is separately published under its UK paperback title, ELVIS & LENNON. 


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Diana Always There


Diana, Princess of Wales, died shortly before dawn on 31 August 1997 and yet she glows more visibly today than any other living royal or celebrity. Despite the passing of two decades, she remains the most iconic woman on the planet. Brave, beautiful, vulnerable and strong, she challenged the traditions of Buckingham Palace and, in death, not only changed the way we see the Royal Family but turned them into warmer, more self-aware, more accessible people. Even before Diana married into the most revered family on earth, she had her suspicions that the kith and kin of Prince Charles were not all they seemed. No sooner had she become the Princess of Wales and moved into Kensington Palace than her fears were confirmed: the House of Windsor constituted a flawed dynasty.

  This compelling book reveals the secrets Diana discovered about her royal relatives. It reveals how angry and bitter the Queen was at her family's indiscretions; how the Queen Mother's indifference was matched only by Prince Philip's blind rage over Diana's determination to find her own path; what really went on between the Duke and Duchess of York; and how Prince Edward witnessed an unhappy Diana's tantrums at Balmoral. It discloses how, one quiet Sunday afternoon at Highgrove, she discovered Charles's affair with Camilla Parker Bowles and how she confronted them about their duplicity in front of a witness at a society birthday party. Following the end of her marriage she was free to do whatever she wished. She enjoyed holidays with jet-set pals, found a soulmate who shared her humanitarian values, entertained whoever she wanted, and above all spent quality time with her boys, William and Harry, taking instruction from no one on how the young Princes should be raised. They would be the first to admit that Diana's real legacy - her legacy of love - belongs as much to the poor, the sick and the dispossessed of this world as it does to them. This then is Diana's secret life. And much, much more . . . Parts of this book were included in an earlier edition - Diana' Nightmare: The Family


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*About Chris Hutchins

‘'WHEN I joined the Today newspaper I came across a journalist whose fund of stories was richer than anyone else's . . . What struck me early on was that the background to Chris Hutchins' scoops was often more fascinating than the stories themselves'. So wrote fellow author and journalist Dominic Midgley.

Mark Bolland, a former private secretary to Prince Charles, wrote in the British Journalism Review: 'Chris Hutchins seems to have seen and done it all. As a young reporter he was censured by the NUJ for failing to be deferential enough to Prince Philip. He was there when Elvis met the Beatles. He helped turn Tom Jones into a superstar. He got drunk with Harold Wilson. And he helped Richard Branson take on British Airways'.


By his own admission Chris Hutchins was a fortunate man. He happened to be in the right place at the right time - again and again. He didn't just write about the rich, famous and powerful people he encountered; more often than not his life became inexplicably entangled with theirs.

From humble beginnings he had sampled the life-style of many of his subjects: for three years he travelled extensively with his friends the Beatles, he slept in Princess Margaret's bed when she rented him her tropical island home, he partied with Sir Elton John and fought a duel with Earl Mountbatten in the First Sea Lord's stately home.

More recently Hutchins had ventured into the secret world of Russia's richest and most powerful men, co-writing what has been described as the definitive biography of Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich and wrote a similarly-intrusive biography of the country's leader, Vladimir Putin. On June 27 2024 the dark murder mystery of Alexandre Despallières, Love until Death, came to the bookshops - a story Chris said needed to be told in memory of his dear friends and a warning to good people.

Educated at the Grammar School in his home town of Torquay, he began his working life on Mid Devon Times before joining the NME (New Musical Express). He had written for most of Britain's national newspapers and was a columnist on the Daily Express, Today and the Sunday Mirror.

He was married, lived in London . . . and wrote interesting books.


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